Evelyn assists clients with producing polished, persuasive written materials.
producing polishpersuasive written materials.
Most recently Evelyn served as Director for Caldwell Community College Small Business Center. With a passion for economic development this service-oriented position helped entrepreneurs view and adjust their business plans to maximize target markets. http://www.inc.com/jeff-hoffman/do-one-thing-better-than-anyone-else.html In this capacity Evelyn represented CCC&TI Small Business Center on the Regional Seeds of Change Coaltion for the Heifer Foundation.
Evelyn is passionate about her community, sustainability, and the written word.
Evelyn serves on the Business Development, everGREEN and Community/University Engagement Committees of the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce. She is member of the Core Team of Circles of the High Country dedicated to ending the legacy of poverty.
Evelyn served on the planning committee for Stone Soup II, III and IV, "Strategic Fundraising for Nonprofits" sponsored by the Appalachian Community Together (ACT) Program at Appalachian State University in 2011-2014. Evelyn served as Marketing Coordinator for the 4th International Conference on Research in Access and Developmental Education held in San Juan, Puerto, Rico in 2008. The conference drew 325 attendees from ten nations.
She initiated a focus group for international attendees at the 2010 National Association of Developmental Education Conference.
She has created charity concerts, tennis tournaments, and a hockey event that became community traditions.
Evelyn is a reading mentor for elementary school children. She is a member of the Watauga Literacy Association, High Country Mentor Alliance and High Country Reading Mentors. She responds to community needs often by donating editing and marketing services to local non-profit organizations.
Evelyn loves to retreat to her 1980 writing "shack" that Steve totally refurbished.